New dates for Holi Garden Festival

Dancing through rainbows...

Good news for the inner child in you - the colourful mayhem that is Holi Festival will now run weekly parties until the 4th of September.

The rainbow fiesta, directly inspired by the traditional Hindu festival from which it takes its name and concept, found a home in Ibiza for the first time this year at Benimussa Park. A unique venue for a unique party, it has proved to be the perfect match. With two excellent parties under the belt, Holi festival is making a few changes to give you maximum opportunities to stuff your face full of purple, dip your feet in yellow and rub your hair in red.

First off - the party is switching to Thursdays. So next week's scheduled event will now be held a day later, on Thursday the 14th of August. The second change is that the next three parties will be held weekly, with the final Holi session on Thursday the 4th of September, so you now have more opportunities to get involved in the paint throw!

Check out our review of team Spotlight's excursion to the Holi Fest to get an idea of what's in store. We highly recommend everyone check this out - it's fun, it's messy, it's beautiful and the goodwill and positivity on the dance floor is second to none. That's not to say you might not be targeted by a cheeky stranger with a bag of blue!

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