Easter in Ibiza: Religion

Here in Ibiza it's impossible to forget that we still live in a devoutly religious.

Here in Ibiza it's impossible to forget that we still live in a devoutly religious, Catholic country. Visitors to the island at Easter can get a taste of the faith and pageantry of the Ibicencos in the religious processions which take place in the towns and villages.
The main ones are in Santa Eulalia and Ibiza town and smaller versions take place in Santa Gertrudis, San Miguel, San Vicente and San Lorenzo. First timers are often shocked at the outfits worn by the 'cofradias' or brotherhoods of penitents whose pointed hats and flowing robes resemble those of the Klansmen of the USA.
In Santa Eulalia the processions leave the church at 21.00 on Thursday 9th April and 20.00 on Friday 10th and march solemnly through the streets of the town carrying statues and accompanied by brass bands. In Ibiza the procession leaves the Cathedral on Friday 10th at 20.30 hours.
Even if you are not religious, the sights and sounds of these processions will remain with you for the rest of your life. Try to get along to see them if you are in Ibiza.

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