Kevin Kennedy’s Ibiza Capers

Curly Watts does Ibiza !

For anyone looking for a brief introduction to clubbing in Ibiza, here is a little something that we found quite fun.

Meet Kevin (aka Curly from Coronation Street) who, as part of a series in which he tours Spanish resorts, makes a short trip to Ibiza.

It´s not exactly a detailed look into Ibiza life but Kevin does take a trip to Ibiza Town, where he talks to some rather attractive pr´s, before making a visit to El Divino and Pacha.

In fact, it´s Kevin´s blatent excitement of being in the company of these pretty girls that make this clip enjoyable, if not slightly cringe-worthy. Think David Brent meets ... well, Curly from Coronation Street !

But the cheesy moments aside, Kevin does take a look inside of the two Ibiza Town clubs, El Divino and Pacha (for F*** Me I´m Famous). Particularly funny are the clips of this seasoned Ibiza clubber rocking it out in the middle of the dancefloor.

You can watch Kevin Kennedy´s Ibiza Capers here.