Ibiza's Autumn Weather

It was a funny old Autumn weather wise in Ibiza

It was a funny old Autumn weather wise in Ibiza. We had the second warmest Autumn on record, with average temperatures of 20.9 degrees, surpassed only by 2006 at 21 degrees. The average temperatures in each of the three months were much higher than normal; September up 1.2 degrees, October up 1 degree and November up 1.4 degrees, and the first two months were much sunnier than normal too!

The flip-side of the coin is that Ibiza also had 28% more rain over the period, BUT most of it fell in just a few days during November in storms and showers of biblical proportions causing isolated flooding and power cuts.

The worst aspect of these unusual meteorological conditions is that lots of standing water and humid weather meant an increase in the number of mosquitoes buzzing about threateningly but which thankfully seem to be disappearing now the weather has turned a little colder.

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