Las Salinas Parking

The long saga of the pay to park situation at Ibiza's popular Las Salinas beach continues

The long saga of the pay to park situation at Ibiza's popular Las Salinas beach continues with no definite end in sight. The story at the moment is that by summer there will be 1250 parking spaces available at the beach. Of these 550 will be free to park but will entail a hike of 300 to 400 metres in boiling hot conditions to get to the sand, so not exactly an option if you want to make a cool, unflustered entrance to a trendy bar.

The remaining 700 places, which are split between two private companies, and some of which are covered for shade, will cost between €3 and €5 per day. However, there's a problem, one of the companies does not as yet, after 2 years waiting, have the correct licenses to operate, and has threatened to close off its parking area if it doesn't receive them soon. This could lead to a repeat of the situation of two years ago when the lack of parking led drivers to park on the narrow road to the beach and caused tailbacks and chaos at busy periods. We shall see……..