Club Closings Crackdown

San Antonio's security boss Joan Pantaleoni has promised that this year the four big discos

San Antonio's security boss Joan Pantaleoni has promised that this year the four big discos in the town will be obliged to comply with municipal ordinances and close at the proper time. Official closing time for the clubs, Eden, Es Paradis, Amnesia and Privilege has been six in the morning for some while now but the police have never had the administrative or manpower resources to enforce this.

Now, with new systems in place the police reckon they will be able to act on the hundreds of 'denouncements' they receive daily as the clubs spill people out onto the streets. The main complaints being about noise and the traffic problems caused on the main road to Ibiza in the already busy rush hour, when it can take up to an hour for commuters just to travel past the two big clubs on the road.

Also promised for this year are more stringent measures to reduce noise from music in bars by using noise limiters and the possibility of using the old town hall as a new joint HQ for the Local Police and Guardia Civil.