Val-de-ri, Val-de-ra

The San Jose council has just released a new brochure for those who love to go a-wandering

The San Jose council has just released a new brochure for those who love to go a-wandering along the mountain track which details eight different routes for hikers.

The routes in the booklet have been carefully thought out for the car-reliant modern-day walker, as they nearly all start and finish in the same place, and they all amply illustrate the natural beauty of the area.

All the routes are of different lengths and degrees of difficulty, the shortest, the 'Sal Rossa' is 3.5 kms, and the longest, taking in San Jose and Ibiza is 15 kms!

Of the 13,000 leaflets printed 5,000 are in English and Spanish, 5,000 in Italian and German, and 3,000 in French and Catalan. We hasten to add that this isn't because the French are considered lazier than the others - it's because there are less of them!