Preview: We Love... Space 2012 Full Lineups

Finally we can all commit ourselves to Sundays at Space...

Diversity is the key to We Love being a continued success year after year. Diversity in the lineups, the music, and the people. It's almost like a festival atmosphere in Space on a Sunday as you go from one arena to the next taking in the different sounds as you go. As I said in my 2011 Closing Review it was bizarre to stand between the Discoteca and Sunset Terrace and have Aphex Twin in you left ear and some Dolly Parton in the right - "Only at We Love".

Right through from the initial conception of the party way back some 13 years ago to the event it is today, We Love has worked hard to provide a groundbreaking set of events with some of the worlds most respected artists. It might not be a 23 hour all day and all night (and then all day again) party anymore, much to the dismay of many of the more hardcore We Love fans, but those important attributes that make it such a loved party are still there.

We live in a day and age where times are tough and money has to be spent wisely with regard to lineups. But then week after week We Love consistently pull the big names out the bag, and then follow them shortly by a whole host of rising talent that in years to come will be the headliners themselves, no doubt. You really get that feeling that We Love is one of those few events that is still so hugely respected by both workers, clubbers, artists and industry folk equally, and you know, that's a rarity these days and so many events have had to change their image to surivive. We love shows respect to the trends out there, and then goes about its business setting new ones.

We've all been waiting at Spotlight for the We Love parties to be announced, knowing full well what to expect in terms of standards and quality. Thankfully 2012 has delivered, again. The Innerversions boys return after playing some great music during 2011 - you can expect to see them a total of four times over the season with a slight variety on which DJs are involved (Steve Bug 15th July!), although Dixon and Âme will be in attendance for all. Carrying on the showcase theme and we see Dirtybird getting a fair representation this summer as Claude Von Stroke and Justin Martin bring it, whilst 2020 Vision also get to show what they are all about.

Showing their commitment to artists they love, theres a substantial group of artists paying several times this year - Groove Armada, James Zabiela, Derrick May, Jaymo & Andy George, Paul Woolford, Joris Voorn, Carl Craig and loads more. Whilst it's also great to see some DJs that have been tearing it up consistently have their moment once again, artists such as Scuba (17th June), the bass heavy Foamo (24th June), DJ Hell (July 1st), The 2 Bears (8th July), Miss Kitten (22nd July), Technasia (29th July), Jeff Mills, Dan Ghencia, and Marcel Dettman (26th August), Ivan Smagghe (2nd September), and Slam (23rd September). Too many to name without just repeated all the lineups...

There were some amazing live performances last year, from the likes of Caribou and Francesco Tristano, who both play again this year (Caribou DJ set), so it's worth noting that there are in fact there are no less than 20 live performances over the season this year - fantastic - difficult to choose between them all which to highlight, although no doubt Blondes, Slam and Modeselektor will feature on many peoples 'one to watch' list.

As we reported earlier, Space will be celebrating their 23rd Birthday on the 12th August in collaboration with We Love this year, seeing The Chemical Brothers join up with many of the We Love family favourites. If you haven't seen the Chem's movie - 'Don't Think' - then give that a watch in preparation. Finally, to touch on the all important opening and closing parties, the season will start and finish with a bang. With said bang being provided by Carl Craig as 69 Live (the guise in which '4 Jazz Funk Classics' was created under) and Derrick May at the opening and the aforementioned Modeselektor, Hot Chip and Groove Armada at the closing. With loads more too, of course.

That's around 100+ artists spread nicely over a nice 17 week extended season. Ridiculous, as per.

Sunday 10th June
Main Terrace: Innervisions Showcase feat: Henrik Schwarz, Dixon, Âme DJ set, Tensnake (live),Ryan O Gorman
Discoteca: 69 Live (Carl Craig), Derrick May, Paul Woolford Vs Ben UFO, Jem Haynes.
Sunset Terrace: Jaymo & Andy George, Jason Bye, "After Dark" feat: Mr Doris
El Salon: The Love Lounge feat: Luca C & Brigante, Kelly Love.
Premier Etage: The Garden Get Together featuring Christophe & El Harvo, Alfredo, Ian Blevins.

17th June
Hot Chip DJs Felix & Al, James Zabiela, The 2Bears, Scuba, Agoria, Heidi, Midland,jozif, Jonathan Ulysses, Jalapeno Soundsystem feat: Smoove & Trevor Mac, J.Cub,Ryan Shaw, Alfredo, Mat Playford, Jaime Fiorito, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins, Callum, Ian C - Percussion & very special live guest TBA.

24th June
2020 VISION presents: Julio Bashmore, Ralph Lawson, Tensnake (live), Crazy PSoundsystem, Felix Da Housecat, dOP (live), Jaymo & Andy George, Foamo,Bicep, A1 Bassline, Stickybuds & D-Funk, Alfredo, Jem Haynes, David Phillips, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Jamie Fatneck Low, Ian Blevins, Ian C - Percussion

July 1st
Groove Armada (dj set), Claude VonStroke, DJ Hell, Cosmin TRG, Jazzanova, Pier Bucci, Smokin Jo, Ben UFO, Rob Roar, Luv*Jam, Justin Parkinson, Dan English, Neil Atkins, Andy Carroll, Alfredo, Ryan O Gorman, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins, Ben Korbel, David Phillips, Ian C - Percussion

8th July
2ManyDJs, Derrick May, hotchip DJs Felix & Al, The 2Bears, Paul Woolford VsUntold, Smokin Jo, Jaymo & Andy George, The Mole (live), Alfredo, Nickodemus,Simon Morell, Bones, Andy Carroll, Luv*Jam, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye,Ian Blevins, Ben Korbel

15th July
Innervisions Showcase feat: Steve Bug, Dixon, Âme (live), Aquarius Heaven (live),Claude VonStroke, Deetron Vs Oxia, Funkagenda, Foamo, Earl Gateshead, Dicky Trisco, Matty J, Ben Terry, Alfredo, Jamie Fiorito, Andy Carroll, Ryan O Gorman,Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins

22nd July
Miss Kittin, Joris Voorn, Carl Craig, Deetron, Ralph Lawson, Paul Woolford,Jonathan Ulysses, Bicep, PBR streetgang, DJ E.A.S.E., Andy Carroll, Alfredo, Ryan O Gorman, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Negghead, Kitt Proudfoot, Andy Carroll, Ian Blevins, David Phillips, Ian C - Percussion

29th July
Groove Armada (dj set), James Zabiela, Derrick May, Octave One (live), Blondes(live), The Mole (live), jozif, Technasia, The Correspondents live, Dr Bob Jones, Ben Terry, Matty J, Andy Carroll, Alfredo, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Mat Playford, Jason Bye, Ben Korbel, Ian C - Percussion

5th August
2ManyDJs, James Zabiela, Felix Da Housecat, Joris Voorn, Funkagenda, Stefano Noferini, Deetron, Foamo, Disclosure live, Jamie ‘Fatneck' Low, Alfredo, Krafty Kuts,Agent 86, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Ryan O Gorman, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins

12th August - Space 23rd Birthday
Discoteca: The Chemical Brothers, Simian Mobile Disco, Nathan Detroit, Jem Haynes, Jason Bye
Terrace (with Savana Potente): Joris Voorn, DJ Ralf, Martin Buttrich (live), Yaya
Sunset Terrace: Jaymo & Andy George, Mat Playford, After Dark: Riva Starr's Bateria Fantastica Feat: Giom, Mr Doris, Ian C Percussion
El Salon: (The Love Lounge) Sophie Lloyd, Itchy, General Vibe
Premier Etage: Heritage Project DJ Alfredo, Jamie Fiorito, Ian Blevins

19th August
Innervisions Showcase feat: Dixon, Âme DJ set, Agoria, dOP (live), James Zabiela,Scuba, Paul Woolford Vs Appleblim, Funkagenda, George FitzGerald, Tiago, Matty J, Ben Terry, Andy Baxter, Alfredo, Ryan O Gorman, DJ Cheeba, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Robert Needham, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins, Callum, Ben Korbel

26th August
Miss Kittin, Jeff Mills, Marcel Dettmann, Sandwell District (live), Skudge (live), Ivan Smagghe, Dan Ghenacia, jozif, Claude, Jonathan Ulysses, DJ E.A.S.E., Negghead, Alfredo, Daisy Heartbreaker, Brian Beezwax, David Phillips, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris,Jason Bye, YMW, Ian Blevins, Ben Korbel

2nd September
Carl Craig, Four Tet Vs Caribou, Tiga, DJ Hell, Slam (live), Ivan Smagghe, Yoda,jozif, Paul Woolford, Lottie, Bicep, Alfredo, Mo Funk, Andy Carroll, Jem Haynes VsRyan O Gorman, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins, Ben Korbel

9th September
Dirtybird Showcase feat: Claude VonStroke, Catz N Dogz, Eats Everything, Justin Martin; James Zabiela, Midland, Foamo, Appleblim & Al Touretts live, Jaymo &, Andy George, The Shack, Nathan Detroit, PBR streetgang, Alfredo, A Skillz, Andy Carroll,Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian Blevins, David Phillips, Ian C - Percussion

16th September
Innervisions Showcase feat: Henrik Schwarz (live), Dixon, Âme (live), Todd Terje,Simian Mobile Disco (live) TBC, Agoria, Francesco Tristano (live), Ralph Lawson,Funkagenda, Mark Rae, Adiento, Ben Terry, Matty J, Jamie Fatneck Low, Alfredo, Andy Carroll, Ryan O Gorman, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye, Ian C, Ben Korbel

23rd September
2ManyDJs, Derrick May, James Zabiela, Sandwell District (live), Slam, Jonathan Ulysses, Geddes, Technasia, Soundcrash DJs, DJ Vadim, Damon Martin, Ben Pistor, Alfredo, Andy Carroll, Jem Haynes, Mr Doris, Jason Bye Ian C, Ben Korbel, Callum

30th September
Modeselektor (live), Groove Armada (dj set), Hot Chip DJs Felix and Al, Simian Mobile Disco, The 2Bears, Paul Woolford, PBR streetgang, James Zabiela, Jason Bye Vs Jem Haynes, Jaymo & Andy George, Mat Playford, Mr Doris & Ian C - Percussion, Bicep, Kitt Proudfoot, Alfredo, Jaime Fiorito, Andy Carroll, Ian Blevins + Special guests tba.

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