Review: Paradise closing party at DC10, 2015

Grab your dancing shoes honey because we´re going to Paradise!.

Grab your dancing shoes honey because we´re going to Paradise!

As the last date of Jamie Jones hotter than hot club night A Planet Called Paradise comes rolling round, I am more than ready to give it one final blast in support of the boys and girls that have worked so hard to create this little paradise at DC10 - one of the most esteemed clubs on the island that attracts a cult like following, week after week, year after year.

I step onto the revered grounds of DC10 and am immediately in awe of the amount of people Jamie Jones and his Paradise crew have pulled for the grand finale of the season. With last minute scramblings for tickets and guest list, the entrance to DC10 is absolutely flooded with people and already a few casualties leaking out – separating the boys from the men. After some gentle nudging I finally make it to the terrace where I barely graze the last of Infinity Ink throwing a live show on the Terrace, who - judging by the looks of the animated crowd - absolutely smashed it.

One of the massive pulls that might have been cause for me to nudge a little harder than 'gentle' is up next, Ame (pronounced AHM) from the Innervisions clan, deliver an absolutely meticulous set and lay the tone deep and heavy for runner up Jamie Principle. Jamie Principle is an old school dude from the Chicago house scene, a pioneer in introducing song based house music and also known for his collaborations with the legendary Frankie Knuckles. As Jamie Jones spins the wheels of steel, it is Jamie Principle who is stealing the show with his mesmerizing, reverb laden vocals – an act that caught me by surprise and totally confirms Jamie Jones and his diverse but solid music policy.

Paradise is a Brit packed music loving affair, and as I take a quick breather at the garden outside my schizophrenia starts to kick in. My body is telling me to go check the Main Room but my mind is rooting for the Terrace. Warning: Paradise can induce a heavy case of FOMO. I finally decide to go and check Richy Ahmed b2b with Russ Yallop for a bass laden oevre of music that makes you weak at the knees and holds you hostage to dance. Although there is always a lot of jostling in a packed DC10, if you surrender to the music you just get carried by the groove in one big heaving wave of people rhythmically (albeit furiously) pumping away at their imaginary sparring partner and I once again found myself lost in trance.

Before I know it it´s the final hour of the evening and I rush to the Terrace to see the man of the hour Jamie Jones go b2b with special guest Joseph Capriati. I smile as I hear a remix of Sunshine by Gorillaz come by, and close my eyes and swing my hips when Batucada by Spiller comes on, a samba-esque vocal feel good track that can only bring you to a happy place. As Jamie Jones takes the reins it´s great to see the Paradise crew who have made Paradise such a fantastically chaotic party during times of stress, sweat, no sleep, bants and laughter stand strong in full support in the DJ booth. Without a doubt Paradise surely knows how to bring the vibes and already sad it´s over! Buena onda!

WORDS | Maya Dupont PHOTOGRAPHY | Tasya Menaker

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