Pacha Gets Physical On Friday 8th November

Presenting an Ibiza winter clubbing workout, Get Physical hits Pacha this coming Friday 8th November.

After the debauched Halloween festivities that happened on Ibiza last week, the island is now cruising into winter clubbing mode. Compared to the summer, only a few venues are open during the Ibiza winter. But lately, more and more of those venues present some really tasty winter clubbing menues.

Pacha, easily the most iconic Ibiza discotheque, is the only big club that stays open all year round. But Pacha winter nights are much more intimate in comparison to the summer mayhem. Often the party only happens in the Global Room or then, if it's a really big night, the Main Room is open - but without all the VIP knick-knacks. Another big plus are the cheaper drink prices - 10€ for a long-drink doesn't sound too bad does it?

On Friday 8th November, Pacha throws another of their Ibiza Vice parties and brings us both Get Physical labelheads Patrick and Philipp from M.A.N.D.Y. to the cherry club. Add island residents Alex Kennon and Paola Poletto to the line-up and you've got a great Pacha night guaranteed. Want to have the full Pacha experience? Start your night early at the Pacha restaurant, this Friday with another edition of their FUDE events, combining food, art and electronic music.

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