Santa Eulalia is with you during lockdown

Free food for families in need.

While the lockdown continues, another piece of positive news that caught our eye this week is Santa Eulalia Contigo (Santa Eulalia With You). This generous initiative, which has been running throughout April, is distributing daily nutritious meals to families in need, absolutely free.

The non-profit organisation is a collaboration between the MAF group of companies, (which include the restaurants Ve Café, Chiringuito Blue and La Llama), the W Ibiza hotel and Santa Eulalia Town Hall. Food is prepared in the large kitchen of the W Ibiza hotel, by a team of chefs, and distributed to 39 homes in the neighbourhood.

Menus have been devised using fresh, healthy ingredients, designed to individual dietary requirements and distributed by MAF delivery staff in biodegradable wrappers and packaging. The aim of the charity is to help families isolated by the Covid-19 restrictions, feel the closeness of their neighbours, so some meals are accompanied by colourful artwork donated by children all over the island.

We love all of these restaurants, so we're overjoyed to know these families are receiving these daily deliveries!

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