Hot Since 82 adds extra Labyrinth date to close debut season

Erick Morillo, Butch and Matthias Meyer to guest at final Labyrinth of 2017.

Hot Since 82 is the latest residency chief to get in there with an extra date as he adds Friday 13 October to extend his debut season.

Labyrinth has transported clubbers to utopian dimensions for a colossal 20 weeks, and it seems we're not quite ready to part with Hot Since 82's vision of what a fiesta should be. Our extra date at Pacha is set to bring back Erick Morillo and Matthias Meyer - who've both already infiltrated Labyrinth's layers - and Butch will be welcomed into the fold for the first time.

If you're already on the island, it's happy days for you guys, but if not Hot Since 82 might just have you covered. He's very kindly offering two clubbers the opportunity to bag free flights, hotel and entry to Labyrinth. Enter this link for a chance to snatch that prize.

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