Underwater photographs

3rd Exhibition of photos taken in the waters around Vedra, Es Vedranell, & the Illots de Ponent. See them at the CIM centre in the converted Coves Blanques lighthouse at the beginning of the "Sunset Strip".

Fr. 21 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Sa. 22 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
So. 23 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Mo. 24 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Di. 25 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Mi. 26 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Do. 27 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Fr. 28 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Sa. 29 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
So. 30 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Mo. 31 Oktober 2011, ab 16:00
Di. 1 November 2011, ab 16:00
Mi. 2 November 2011, ab 16:00
Do. 3 November 2011, ab 16:00
Fr. 4 November 2011, ab 16:00

Wo: San Antonio, Ibiza

3rd Exhibition of photos taken in the waters around Vedra, Es Vedranell, & the Illots de Ponent. See them at the CIM centre in the converted Coves Blanques lighthouse at the beginning of the "Sunset Strip".

San Antonio, Ibiza