Fiesta in Jesus - Children's Fun & Concerts for the Grown-ups.

6.30p - Face painting for the kids & entertainment from Piruleto the clown. 8pm - Ball games. 9pm - Home-made lanterns competition. 9.30pm - Tobairitz concert. 10.30pm - Pota Lait concert followed by Uncle Sal & to finish Jazzbo play music to dance to - Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Jazz & Boogaloo.

Fr. 7 Sept., 2012, ab 18:30
Wo: Jesús

6.30p - Face painting for the kids & entertainment from Piruleto the clown. 8pm - Ball games. 9pm - Home-made lanterns competition. 9.30pm - Tobairitz concert. 10.30pm - Pota Lait concert followed by Uncle Sal & to finish Jazzbo play music to dance to - Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Jazz & Boogaloo.
