UFO Sighted above Privilege Ibiza

Is this the first truly credible claim that Aliens are indeed amongst us and like techno?.

In a rather weird turn of events we woke up today with an email linking to this video we have uploaded on to our Youtube channel - seemingly of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) hovering and then flying off camera above the world's biggest club, and one of Ibiza's proudest venues, Privilege. The disc like craft hovers for a few seconds above the club and, in a tell tale sign that the craft must be controlled or powered in some way, then darts off in a few directions at speed before moving away from the camera's field of view.

A quick bit of research on the topic brings up some interesting stories. Ibiza has a particularly strong history in unexplainable sightings. Even recently there was a video posted on Youtube of an object streaking across the sky above San Antonio - a claim that was later 'debunked' by a Spanish Ministry of Defence spokesman as probably space junk but later turned out to be a short contrail from an aircraft. Flights to and from the island have experienced UFO sightings, including this flight back to the UK in January and this run in with ET in 1979.

If any of you have seen this or could help shed some light on the topic, please do let us know.

Don't worry though, Ibiza's reputation for fun and relaxation is so legendary that they're probably just looking for a nice spot to set down their spaceship and meet some of the locals for drinks, probing, experiments, etc.

It is early stages yet, with little to no details available, so we have put out feelers to the local Ibiza UFO Spotters Club, the Spanish Astronomical Society and the Spanish Ministry of Defence for clarification. Rest assured we expect to have more information on this in the next couple of days.

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